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Legal Counsel on Call for $2,000/month

Legal subscriptions to help scale your business

No obligation, free intro chat

Hi, my name's Andrew.

I'm a lawyer with 12+ years of experience helping businesses grow.


I'm here to help you capture opportunities now and avoid costly legal issues down the road.

I offer monthly "Of Counsel" plans to support your growing business.

Let's chat and see if it's a fit. :)

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Ok, but how much does it really cost?


"Sounds nice, but sounds expensive.​"

It's not--partly because I saved money on costs of a website designer and developer. :) 

$2,000/month for a month of support with the above benefits.

No auto-renewal. No long-term contract. Cancel at any time.

"Do you have options for bigger businesses with more need for Legal support?"

Of Counsel+ support: starting at $4,000/month 

I offer a couple of reasonably-priced, standard plans for clients with greater need for Legal and Strategy support every month. These start at $4,000/month and I only take on a select few businesses at this level to ensure I can provide my best service. 

I ♡ supporting at all stages, on all needs


Building "It"

Growing the Team



Client since 2021

Bethany, Founder & Owner

Scope: Franchise Agreement Review and Negotiation + General Business Legal

Client since 2021

Jenny, Founder & Owner

Scope: Fundraising + General Business Strategy

Client since 2019

Stevi, Founder & Owner

Scope: General Business Strategy

Some of My Current Clients

Clients of 12+ Years

Social Media Group

(now GoBeyond Group)

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Integrated Engineering

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Benefits for All Plans

Members-only checklists, forms, and DIY guides to empower you--all based on the most common questions and needs I and my network of contributing attorneys have addressed.

Quick Chats. If you have specific questions or needs, you can send an email and we'll connect to chat needs and goals.


I observe revenue-sensitive pricing and fee structures on services needed beyond your selected plan. I always aim to provide fixed fees as practicable.

About Me

My name's Andrew Draxton. I went to law school, became a lawyer, and started Draxton Law to help small businesses.


You can check out my LinkedIn profile here for a bit more about me.


Over the years, I've helped companies expand globally, raise millions of dollars in capital, and do business with Fortune 50 companies. I partner with businesses to address their Legal needs. I help mitigate costs, provide access to free information, and support as businesses navigate Legal. 

I've helped companies of all sizes and stages with their Legal needs:

  • advising on trademarks 

  • drafting commercial contracts

  • drafting employment contracts

  • drafting consumer terms for $250 Million+ in consumer transactions

  • handling governance details

  • dealing with major restructures and emergencies

  • sourcing and managing outside counsel to limit costs

  • drafting investment documentation in support of million-dollar deals

  • protecting million- (even Billion-) dollar brands

What I'm doing with "Of Counsel" clients


I'm leveraging my experience with big companies, compiling my best forms, best practices, creating checklists, and sharing my tips and tricks to make Legal less daunting, less expensive.

My Vision for Legal's role in Business

Legal exists to help protect good people as they do cool stuff and make money doing it. Legal should collaborate with you on your legal needs, providing Legal information to make Legal simpler, more efficient, and less expensive. 


Legal costs shouldn't be surprising or alarming. Sadly, in my time working with companies , I've seen questionable practices by law firms: 


  • $20,000 billed for a contract revision without material changes.

  • $3,000 billed for 1 paragraph added to a form independent contractor agreement

  • Surprise invoices. Excessive billings. Three attorneys billing at the same time quickly reached $400/hour rate.

  • Attorneys billing for time spent to research whether they could provide a service they had already said they could perform.



You've come this far--so far, that you've "gone to plaid" (for avoidance of doubt, and for you millennial and Gen Z kids, that's a 'Spaceballs' reference).
Let's hop on a call to chat; I'm eager to help.

FAQ for Of Counsel Plans

I’m not hiring a full-time in-house counsel, so how much support do I get monthly?

You can always count on the above benefits. Additionally, while counsel won’t keep a minute-by-minute record of time spent with you on the above, they will keep a soft record and make sure that, between legal and strategy work, they provide the following hours per month, per plan:

Of Counsel : Weekly Meeting + 10+ hours of work per calendar month + access to all tools.

Of Counsel+ (limit 3 available) : All of above + 22+ hours of work per calendar month.


What if I have hours leftover from the minimum hours from a specific month?

You can roll over unused hours into the next month. After that month, the hours are deemed used.


Can I cancel or change my monthly plan?

Sure. At any time before another month starts. We know needs vary and we want this to be a flexible arrangement for you.


What are participating counsel’s current hourly rates?

As of October 2023, participating attorneys’ current hourly rates are $240 to $360 / hour, depending on the attorney(s) and scope of work.


What’s Not Included (but may be available at a preferential rate)?

While counsel can’t cover the following items as part of the subscription, counsel may either provide a quote outside of the plan or coordinate alternative counsel to provide a quote:
• Non-Business Legal matters (family law, estates, criminal law, etc.)

• Litigation

• Corporate transactions (affecting equity in your company)

• Patents (you need a special license to file for- and prosecute patents)


Full Terms Governed by Service Agreement
The full terms are provided in, and governed by, your service agreement with your counsel. Unless and until you enter into an agreement with counsel, an attorney-client relationship is expressly disclaimed.

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